Candida or Systemic Yeast

Candida is one of the first complementary therapies I tried in my medical practice in 1988. I was shocked to see how quickly my patients improved while being coached while doing this therapy. There are some basic reasons why a person can have candida issues. As patients would share with me about how they were feeling, I was able to educate them as to some of the causes of candida which are; We as a society consume too much sugar (200 years ago people were consuming about 7 Lbs. of sugar per person per year, now we are consuming 152Lbs of sugar per person each year!), we are all under too much stress which causes candida issues, many people have taken too many antibiotics and often taking certain hormones can also add to candida difficulties. To receive positive results with this therapy It requires a major change in diet as well as taking a specific type of good bacteria. While monitoring my patients as they improved rapidly gave me great satisfaction. Many patients would actually share that they felt as if they totally had a new lease on life.




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